About Us

|| Introduction ||

The Failed Entrepreneur

|| About Milestones ||

Some Latest Milestones

Shark Tank India Audition Finalist

Homians was one of those top 1500 Start-ups for the Audition from the list of 80,000+ Registrations in Season 2

Delivered 50,000+ Healthy Meals

Homians delivered over 50,000 Meals being entirely Bootstrapped, spending almost no Marketing Costs

Aawishkar Bhoomi Grant

Homians received Aawishkar Bhoomi Grant from college for being one of the college's Innovative Start-ups

Appreciative Team Activities

Won numerous Pitching Competitions, won numerous Competitions and Events, and obtained several Soft Commitments

Community Appreciations

The Morons.s Community received huge applaud from both our Mentors and the General Public

Great Engagement From Youths

Ok. Start Now! attracted a lot of Youth engagement, especially both College Students and New Entrepreneurs

|| About Myself ||

Entrepreneur || Public Speaker || Personal Life Coach

My name is Rohit Swerashi, and I’m an Entrepreneur, working for my Nation.

I am on the mission to make India much superior to other countries. I am also focusing to revolutionise the Indian education system.

I have 05 yrs+ of Learning & Working Experience in Entrepreneurship. 

I have successfully failed in my previous 04 ventures, gaining valuable knowledge and experience.

I am an Inquisitive, Passionate, and Ambitious individual who is calm and insightful enough to find a solution to any problem. I have a pleasant Personality with a nice sense of humour.

I am a strong Believer in Self-Learning and always try to think Beyond the box.

My Success Mantra is: Ok.Start Now!


|| About My Team ||

Team Is Our Biggest Asset

# The Homians Team
# The Morons.s Team
|| About My Mentors ||

Always Thankful To My Mentors

Anshul Rustaggi Sir
Kanisshka Tyagi Mam
Anuj Batra Sir
Smita Pandey Mam
|| Contact Us ||

OK. Start Now !

Copyright © 2023 Rohit Swerashi